Apostles Tavares and Stephanie Gardner are the current shepherds of this growing and thriving 5-fold ministry. They have pastored this amazing group of believers for over 10 years.  Prior to becoming pastors of TWFC of Dallas, they both served at True Way Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Bishop Fredric L. Gant & Lady Margie Gant. Apostle Tavares served as the minister of music and Apostle Stephanie served in various departments within the church. In the Year of 2010, Bishop Gant passed the mantle of the ministry, known as True Way COGIC, into the hands of his son-in-law and daughter. After careful consideration and with the Lord’s leading, True Way COGIC, then became The Way Fellowship Church of Dallas. 

Since their transition as lead pastors, they have implemented new concepts and biblical principles to help reach a lost generation that needs a fresh and powerful anointing. TWFC of Dallas focuses on bringing deliverance and healing to the body of Christ through both prophetic insight and fatherly love. They both carry mantles to raise up sons and daughters in the kingdom of God and have a heart for the fatherless and lost. Apostle Tavares remains focused on serving others and having a heart that is totally surrendered to God.

He is recognized for his straightforward preaching, prophetic flow, deliverance, and power-packed prayer ministry. Apostle Stephanie desires to see captives set free from the hands of the enemy, and for the wounded to encounter the love and freedom of God that Christ paid for on the cross. They both have apostolic and prophetic edges that are used to reach people from all walks of life but are specially tailored to the young. 

They both love the Lord and desire to serve him without reservation. Apostles Tavares and Stephanie Gant Gardner have been married for almost 20 years and are the parents of two beautiful children, Caleb and Christen.